In early August amid rising tension between the United States and Turkey, President Trump doubled the rate of tariffs on steel and aluminum from Turkey from 25 percent and 10 percent to 50 percent and 20 percent respectively. Turkey had already retaliated against the initial U.S. metal tariffs imposed in March.

How much trade between the U.S. and Turkey has been impacted by the Trump administration’s tariffs and Turkey’s retaliation?

U.S.-Turkey Trade Under Steel and Aluminum Tariffs (2017, billions)
Total bilateral goods trade $19.15
U.S. exports to Turkey $9.74
U.S. imports from Turkey $9.41
U.S. steel imports from Turkey subject to tariffs $1.19
Turkish Retaliatory Tariffs $1.80
Percent of bilateral trade subject to tariffs 15.60%
Data: U.S. Census Bureau; Office of the U.S. Trade Representative


For more on the U.S.-Turkey trade spat, check out this episode of the Trade Guys podcast, and this column by Trade Guy Bill Reinsch.