Josh Bolten Joins the Trade Guys (Part II)

The Trade Guys kick off the new year by welcoming special guest, Josh Bolten, CEO and President of the Business Round Table (BRT). Bolten, Andrew, and the Trade Guys discuss what to expect in the trade world in 2019. Part II of their conversation includes their insights on the U.S.-China trade relationship.

Subsidies and Trade: A Tricky Combination

Subsidies and Trade: A Tricky Combination

When governments mix subsidies and international trade, you’ve got a recipe for tariffs. What are subsidies, how do they impact international trade, and how can governments respond to subsidies? Watch this video with Trade Guy Bill Reinsch to find out more.

The Trade Guys Welcome the Trade Lady

In this episode, the Trade Guys welcome a special guest: the self-proclaimed Trade Lady, Leila Afas. Afas advises Toyota Motor North America on geopolitical and market trends as Director of International Public Policy. How are the auto, steel, and aluminum tariffs affecting the auto industry? How does uncertainty throw a wrench in production? Afas, Andrew, and the Trade Guys discuss.

Trade Truce?

In this episode, the Trade Guys breakdown the latest from the G20. President Trump and Xi Jinping settled on a 90-day trade truce. But will the temporary ceasefire last? Also up, the Guys analyze the president's moves on the USMCA, what's next for the agreement, and how Congress might react.

The Dynamics of Trade with a Democratic House Majority

In this episode, the Trade Guys record in front of a live audience of members of the World Affairs Councils of America. On the agenda was the midterm elections and how the new Democratic majority in the House might affect the dynamics of trade policy. They also discussed tariffs, the USMCA, and more. 

Spoiling China's Appetite for U.S. LNG

Spoiling China's Appetite for U.S. LNG

The United States is swimming in natural gas, and China has a huge appetite for the relatively clean and efficient fuel to power its economy as it shifts away from coal. That dynamic led to growing U.S. liquefied natural gas exports to China over the past two years, but the trade war has thrown further growth into doubt.

USMCA, Cars, and National Security Tariffs

USMCA, Cars, and National Security Tariffs

Outside of the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to replace the North America Free Trade Agreement, the Trump administration negotiated caps on the amount of autos Mexico and Canada can send to the United States before facing potential Section national security 232 tariffs.

Trade Guys Q&A

In this episode, the Trade Guys answer some of the top questions submitted by our listeners. What’s the timeline on auto tariffs? Why protect our farmers from foreign tariffs? The Trade Guys answer all this and more.

Why Both Republicans and Democrats are Grumpy about Trade

Why Both Republicans and Democrats are Grumpy about Trade

Some interesting poll data has emerged over the past couple of weeks that merits some discussion. As usual, some of the most useful comes from the Pew Research Center and the intrepid Bruce Stokes, who has spent a lot of time over the past six years trying to understand what the American people think about trade and how that is changing.

Ports: The Backbone of Global Trade

Ports: The Backbone of Global Trade

Seaports are a fundamental part of global trade. In 2017, seaports in the United States handled roughly 42 percent of all trade in goods, worth a total of $1.6 trillion. Ports generate jobs, enable exporters to reach markets overseas, and give consumers access to competitive foreign goods.

Reframing the Trade Debate

Reframing the Trade Debate

There is no question that the president has reframed the debate on trade in the United States. As I have said many times, after 30 years below the fold in the business section (for you, millennials, that’s a reference to old-fashioned newspapers), trade is now on the front page every day. As it turns out, that has had both good and bad consequences.

Trade Guys on the Road: University of Maryland Edition

The Trade Guys continue their recording tour; this time at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. They are joined by a special guest, Rick Powers, the Port of Baltimore's director of marketing. The guys and Rick discuss updates on NAFTA, the tit-for-tat with China, and roll-on/roll-off (a.k.a. RoRo) shipping's relationship with tariffs.

What is Dumping?

What is Dumping?

Being subject to dumping can cause some serious harm and lead to intense fights – and no, we’re not talking about the latest celebrity breakup. In the context of trade, politicians will often blame other countries for “dumping” products into the United States. What are they talking about and, how can companies and the government respond to dumping? Well, like any big breakup, it’s complicated. Watch this video with Trade Guy Bill Reinsch to find out more.

A 21st Century Trade War

A 21st Century Trade War

The Trump administration has launched an unparalleled trade war with enemies and allies alike. But it’s been generations since our last true trade war. So how will this play out in our modern age, and what are the stakes?

Aren’t We All Free Traders?

Aren’t We All Free Traders?

Most politicians say they are free traders, but disagree over how to achieve free trade. The president's actions and statements have called into question whether he is indeed a free trader, and whether his method of making trade freer will pay off.

Do auto imports drive auto jobs?

Do auto imports drive auto jobs?

Increased imports of autos and auto parts doesn't actually correlate to a decline in U.S. auto manufacturing jobs or auto dealership jobs. In fact, over the past decade, U.S. jobs in both of those parts of the auto sector have grown while imports of autos and auto parts have expanded.

Only as Good as the Next Tweet

The Trade Guys welcome another special guest, Cody Lusk, who is the president and CEO of the American International Automobile Dealers Association (AIADA).

Talking Turkey and the Economy

The Trade Guys talk about the U.S.-Turkey diplomatic spat that has spilled into the realm of trade.

Trade and Wages

Trade and Wages

One eternal element of the debate on trade policy is blame. Bad things are happening in our economy. Is trade responsible for them? Trade skeptics say “yes”—trade promotes a race to the bottom. Free traders say “no”—trade is a scapegoat for a lot of other things that are going on.

China Strikes Back

The U.S.-China trade war doesn’t let up. The Trade Guys tackle how the latest tranche of tariffs are affecting American businesses and Congress.

Chemistry Caught in the Crossfire

Ed Brzytwa is the director of international trade at the American Chemistry Council and a former United States Trade Representative negotiator. He joins the Trade Guys in the studio to talk about how the trade war is affecting both producers and consumers of chemical products.

Are Tariffs the Greatest?

The Trade Guys discuss whether this is a harbinger of the president’s latest plan to slap 25 percent tariffs on foreign autos and auto parts as the administration makes the argument that auto imports may be a threat to national security.

Hearing from the Heartland

Blake Hurst is a third-generation farmer and the president of the Missouri Farm Bureau. He joins the Trade Guys in the studio to offer insight on how the trade war is affecting farmers, other producers in the community, and the politics on the ground.

Is Anybody Fighting Back?

Is Anybody Fighting Back?

As tariffs begin to stack up and the prospect of higher prices for consumers comes hurtling closer, the question of “Why isn’t anybody doing anything about” gets asked more and more. There is more than one answer to that question.

Counting Down to Tariff Time

The Trade Guys discuss the mayhem right before the United States pulls the trigger on imposing tariffs on China.

Goodbye to Harley Davidson and the WTO?

Trade Guys Bill Reinsch and Scott Miller discuss Harley Davidson’s decision to outsource some of their production and why it has upset the President.

Trade War Hitting A Fever Pitch

The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch put President Trump’s notion that trade wars are “good, and easy to win” to the test.

I Smell a Trade War

The Trade Guys, Bill Reinsch and Scott Miller, take on the Trump administration’s announcement that it will impose tariffs on $50 billion of goods from China, raising the potential for a trade war between the world’s two biggest economies.

Bad Moon Rising Over G7

The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch recap the fallout from the Trump administration’s move to impose tariffs on the EU and Canada.

China: The Dust Never Settles

China: The Dust Never Settles

The U.S.-China trade battle appears to have no end in sight. The Trump administration appears to want it all from China: market access concessions, a reduction in the trade deficit, and significant internal Chinese reforms.

Trade War on Hold and a Skinny NAFTA

The Trade Guys, Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch tackle two big stories: what came out of the latest U.S.-China trade talks, and what’s happening with the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Lost in the 1980s on Trade

Lost in the 1980s on Trade

Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. Trade Representative, is dusting off his playbook from the 80s. The trade policy veteran, who served as a deputy in the Reagan administration, is seeking negotiated steel and aluminum quotas and has made his skepticism of the World Trade Organization no secret.